Legal Consulting

The next generation of lawyers. 

Our global experience in corporate and commercial, mergers and acquisitions, structuring, and other legal aspects allows us to improve efficiency by catering for your business needs in a cost-effective way. 

We combine our business and legal knowledge to provide you with solutions that allow your business to continuously grow, through unlocking value and mitigating risk.  

We have a wide range of expertise.

Corporate and Commercial

We specialise in corporate and commercial, mergers and acquisitions, technology, intellectual property, restructuring, venture capital, private equity and banking and finance law.


We focus on financial services regulations, retail regulation, technology, media and telecommunications regulation, crypto asset regulation and data privacy regulation.


We understand employment and employee benefits, occupational health and safety and other related legal aspects.

Dispute Resolution

We facilitate alternative dispute resolutions and engage with litigation matters (as either attorneys or expert witnesses).


We're not like law firms.

We do not charge per minute, nor do we charge per page. We charge in a variety of ways. 

Hourly Fee

Project or transaction fee

Monthly retainer fee